Women's Bible Study
We currently offer a women's bible study on the first and third Thursday of each month, at 10:30 am. This class takes a book and studies it over the course of several weeks. How much time we spend depends on the length of the book and the intensity of the discussion. The books may be from either the Old or the New Testament, and the class and pastor determine the subject together.
If you are interested, we welcome you to become part of the class.
Children's Sunday School
During the school year we offer a Childen's Sunday School after worship. Children participate in lessons and activities that teach the children about the lord. The children from Sunday School perform a Christmas Program, usually the week before Christmas.
Adult Sunday School
In a small group gathering on Sundays after our Worship service, generally during the months of September to May, adults meet at 11:00 a.m. to study and discuss a variety of topics regarding our Christian faith as Presbyterians. In recent years we have used books, DVDs, and study guides covering themes and subjects from the Bible such as “Feasts of the Bible” and “The Tabernacle.” Some of our discussions have been centered around “How We Got the Bible,” “God’s Grace,” “Baptism,” “Church History,” and “Faith and Science,” among other topics. We have discovered and rediscovered the relevance of the Bible in our lives in this day and age.