The FISH Program
The FISH program in Great Falls is a non-profit program of thirteen local churches that help people in their time of need. Donations of food, money, and supplies are brought to the Great Falls Community Food Bank at 1620 12th Ave. North, Great Falls, Mt.
FISH rents a room at the Food Bank where supplies are stored—either refrigerated or set out on shelves and kept ready for distribution to clients in need. The clients gain eligibility to FISH through Opportunities, Inc. Once they have a referral slip, FISH is open for distribution on weekdays from 9 am to 11 am. Singles and families receive weighed bags of food and supplies, and about 50 families a week take advantage of this service. Deliveries, made by volunteers, are also made to those who are homebound.
FISH is endorsed by the Great Falls Ministerial Association. All who work for FISH are volunteers. Most churches in the community are involved and have a representative who attends the monthly board meetings. It is a very fulfilling way to donate time to a very worthy cause. Each church is responsible for providing volunteers for one week every three months. We have done this service for many years. If you want to volunteer, please call the Sunrise front office for more information.
There is also a yearly donation-funding event for FISH—the Loaves and Fishes Dinner and Silent Auction.
At Sunrise, a special thank you to those who volunteer monthly at FISH, and our coordinator, Maribeth Doan.
August Updates
Long-time volunteer and FISH president, Harold Spilde, received the 2024 Paris Gibson Award. The Paris Gibson Award was established to honor a Great Falls citizen who best embodies vision and excellence in our community. Harold started working at FISH in 1993. His dedication to the FISH program has made it a great success in helping to feed those in need in the Great Falls area. He works at FISH approximately 5 days a week for about 4 hours a day, all as a volunteer.
If you would like to volunteer alongside Harold and other members of Sunrise, contact Maribeth Doan at 406 - 452 - 2727.
Our next volunteer week will be August 26th– 30th.
Thank you to all who faithfully contribute to FISH.
-Maribeth Doan

August Donation Suggestions
Beef Stew
Canned Spaghetti &Ravioli
Canned Fruit
Any Type of Pasta